There are a handful of features that make life slightly easier for you as you’re exploring the Hisui region in Pokémon Legends: Arceus. One notable feature is the ability to Mass Release your Pokémon from your pasture. Your pasture is your box where any Pokémon you catch in the wild that does not go into your party reside while you’re exploring the game. But the feature is not available immediately. In this guide, we cover how to unlock Mass Release for pastures in Pokémon Legends: Arceus.

There are a few snags when it comes to figuring out how to properly unlock the Mass Release feature. It boils down to either progressing through the story enough by earning enough Star Ranks with the Galaxy Expedition team, or by progressing through the story and having four pastures full of Pokémon. Regardless of the precise timing in Pokémon Legends, you need to work your way through the story and unlock the feature.

For us, it happened shortly after we reached the final region in Pokémon Legends, the Alabaster Icelands.

When you do unlock this feature, you’ll be able to remove multiple Pokémon at once from your pasture. In previous Pokémon entries, you have to select each Pokémon and go through each choice, releasing them one at a time. It was a tedious process, but the Mass Release feature makes it far more effective.