The teams behind Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War and Warzone generally add additional weapons mid-season, and the CARV.2 tactical rifle, also known as the G11, is the first new mid-season weapon. It’s a burst fire rifle with solid recoil control, a large ammo capacity, and is overall effective in mid-range and long-range encounters in both games. However, you will have to complete a weapon unlock challenge to add the CARV.2 to your arsenal.
Multiplayer and Warzone unlock challenge
The standard weapon challenge for the CARV.2 reads, “Using Tactical Rifles, rapidly kill 2 or more players in 10 different completed matches.” This means that you must get at least a double kill in 10 different matches; getting multiple multi-kills in one match will not count. And keep note of the condition of these matches being completed — you cannot get your double kill and then leave the game.
Choose whichever tactical rifle you feel more comfortable with — we personally enjoy the burst fire AUG and the semi-auto DMR 14. As the challenge applies to both Cold War and Warzone, complete this challenge on whichever game you are more accustomed to — getting a double kill shouldn’t be too difficult for you.
Zombies unlock challenge
To unlock the CAR.V 2 through the Zombies mode in Black Ops Cold War, complete the following challenge: “Using Tactical Rifles, get 250 Longshot kills.” Using another burst fire tactical rifle such as the M16 or AUG is your best bet. Aim for the head, keep your distance, and make sure your rifle has a good scope.