The Island Sanctuary in Final Fantasy XIV will be a private island for you to relax, craft, farm, and enjoy your time away from the hectic dungeons and raids of the game. It’s a location you can customize to your heart’s content, let loose your minions, and relax as you enjoy some of the finer parts of crafting. Many players will have the chance to access it, but there are a few requirements you will need to meet before you can visit it. Here’s what you need to know about how to unlock the Island Sanctuary in Final Fantasy XIV.
How to get your Island Sanctuary in Final Fantasy XIV
Before you can get the quest to unlock your Island Sanctuary, you must make your way through the Endwalker campaign. First, you must grab all the expansion up to Endwalker and complete all Main Scenario Quests. After you reach this point and complete the Endwalker Main Scenario Quest, you will gain access to the quest, Seeking Sanctuary.
The Seeking Sanctuary quest will be available in Old Sharlayan. You will need to speak with the NPC called Clueless Crier at coordinates (X:11.9, Y:11.0). Upon receiving the quest, you will need to complete it, and then you will gain access to your Island Sanctuary. While on your island, you will not need to have any Disciples of the Hand or Land on your character. All activities of this nature will be available to every character while on the island, giving you the chance to explore these activities you may not have done in Final Fantasy XIV.
While visiting your island, there will be visions for you to complete. A vision will appear as an objective in your duty list, giving you the chance to help you create the best private island you can manage. You can pick how you want to use your Island Sanctuary, so don’t feel these visions are requirements.