The Maple Lodge Campsite is a ghost investigation site in Phasmophobia with a primarily outdoor area to explore. You’ll be searching around the campsite for clues of what type of ghost is haunting this area and where you can find it. There’s also a lakehouse next to the campsite’s lake that you can investigate, but it’s locked like the entrance to any building in Phasmophobia you need to investigate. You need to find the key to unlock it.
You can find the lakehouse on the east side of the Maple Lodge Campsite. It’s right next to the map’s lake, to the right of the large covered area with all of the generators and tools.
You can make your way through the campgrounds to the lakehouse. If you see the dock on the lake, look to the right, and you should see the cabin. Unfortunately, whenever you approach the door to the cabin, it will be locked.
Thankfully, the key is not far away. You should be able to find it underneath the Welcome doormat in front of the cabin. It should be sticking out on the right side, and it will be a blue key. Bend down to grab it, and you can now open up the lakehouse to search for the ghost or use it as a hiding place.