Update 1.59 brought in a new season to Fallout 76. This season added a whole bunch of quality of life changes and a new scoreboard to unlock various items like skins, C.A.M.P furniture, and even allies. There are two new allies to unlock that each offer their own abilities for you to take advantage of. Here is how you unlock the new allies and what their abilities are in Fallout 76.

The first ally you will unlock during your journey across the scoreboard is Katherine Swan. She is unlocked after you complete rank 24 in the season. This astronomer is willing to give you a helping hand around your base. Once a day, when you interact with her, she will give you a temporary buff that increases your character’s perception. This buff will also decrease the weight of all your energy ammo. Not only that but she can also be used as a personal vendor.

The second ally you will unlock is Xerxo. This ghoul ally claims he is not from our planet. Just like Katherine, he can be used as a vendor in your C.A.M.P. You will obtain this ally after reaching rank 49 on the season scoreboard. Talking to Xerxo will give you a buff that increases your character’s agility for a while. The buff will also decrease the cost of fast traveling.