Like the games before it, Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 offers players numerous weapons and attachments to enjoy. If you played the beta, you’ve seen how the Gunsmith portion works with personalizing your guns. You’ve also noticed how many attachments are locked, and that’s still true with the full version released. Itching to unlock and play with the SZ Recharge-DX optic in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2? You’ll have to check out our guide to learn more about whether you can unlock this attachment.

SZ Recharge-DX Optic in Modern Warfare 2 – What is It?

As the name indicates, the SZ Recharge DX Optic is one of the many optics you can apply to your guns in the game. It’s noted to have a wide field of view. When attached, it improves your gun’s range and accuracy.

To improve your time in Modern Warfare 2, the SZ Recharge-DX offers a precision sight picture. This comes in handy, especially for those who enjoy keeping away from opponents to fire at a comfortable distance. The only real downside to this optic is that your aim down sight speed is harmed.

Otherwise, the optic is a quality one to use in the game.

Can you Unlock the SZ Recharge-DX Optic in Modern Warfare 2?

At the moment, there is no way to unlock the SZ Recharge-DX optic for standard multiplayer gameplay.

There is no indication if this is a glitch that needs patching or if this is purposeful. For now, if you want to enjoy the SZ Recharge-DX, you must jump into a Private Match with friends. When you are in such a match, everything is automatically unlocked. This is the perfect way to play around with different attachments and see what works for you and what you may not enjoy as much.

So, if you’re able to, create or join up with a Private Match in Modern Warfare 2 to slip on the SZ Recharge-DX optic. You can see just how much that precision sight picture improves your performance and if you can deal with your aim down sight speed dropping as a sacrifice.

Meanwhile, you’ll have to wait a while to see if this weapon attachment will unlock sometime in the future for standard multiplayer gameplay.

How to Unlock the Corio Enforcer Optic in Modern Warfare 2

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 is available on PC, PS5, and PS4 systems, and Xbox One and Series platforms.