Lego Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga is filled with characters and starships from across the nine movie mainline Star Wars saga. Some of these are classic icons, like Boba Fett’s starship and the original TIE Fighter, but some are much deeper cuts. One of those deep cuts is the TIE Dagger starship, which is similar to TIE Fighter, but pointy. The sides are triangles and the ship features red accents, making it look much cooler than the basic TIE Fighter. Here is where you can unlock the TIE Dagger starship in Lego Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga.

You will need to head to the Sith Citadel on Exegol and make your way to the southernmost part of the underground cavern. In a side room off to the east side of the area you will find a shooting gallery.

Once there you will need to earn a gold medal in this shooting gallery, which will require you to score 6,000 points. This shooting gallery just has a bunch of toy Y-Wing and X-Wing ships flying in circles with small targets above them. There is plenty of time here, so you just need to keep shooting ships until you win. Once completed you will need to purchase the TIE Dagger from the starship section of the menu for 100,000 Studs.