In LEGO Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga, players will meet numerous characters who speak various alien languages. Most of the time you will need a Protocol Droid to interpret these languages, but there is a better method available that you can unlock. It’s called the Universal Translator, and you can unlock it from Extras. 

How to translate aliens language in LEGO Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga

To understand alien language with any character in LEGO Star Wars: The Skywalker Sagawalker Saga, players need to unlock the Universal Translator in exchange for 1 Datacard and 500,000 Studs. We recommend players to unlock this from the Extras section early on, as you will not need to switch to a Protocol Droid to understand certain NPCs.

The Extras section has a ton of useful upgrades that can be unlocked by Datacards and Studs. Players can even acquire Stud Multipliers to increase their bonuses. While farming Studs is easy, gathering Datacards from tricky locations can be a difficult task in the game.

Wondering how to get other Datacards to unlock Extras? Check out How to get the Datacard in Canto Bright in LEGO Star Wars Skywalker Saga on Pro Game Guides.