In Call of Duty Warzone 2, players experience a new free-to-play extraction mode called DMZ. This game mode groups players in squads of three, and the objective is to complete missions successfully and extract before the radiation closes in. Players who did not purchase Modern Warfare 2 have tons of weapons to unlock and level up, and there is an easy process to get these guns quickly through DMZ. Players can unlock weapons they don’t have by playing Call of Duty DMZ. 

How to unlock weapons quickly in DMZ

Free-to-play players who downloaded Warzone 2 have an uphill climb when unlocking and leveling up weapons. The process involves leveling up your account by gaining XP, and it can be quite tedious. However, there is a quick method to get the guns you don’t have by playing DMZ. In case of a successful extraction in DMZ, players will get everything they have in their backpacks. This means you will be rewarded with unlocked weapons and blueprints found while exploring the map.

For example, if a player doesn’t have the Vaznev-9K SMG, they can ask teammates to add it to the loadout, and drop the weapon once the DMZ match starts. Pick up the weapon, and extract with it successfully to quickly unlock this gun. Normally, the Vaznev-9K unlocks when you progress Kastov-74u to level 15. Check the image above to see how you can unlock a weapon like the STB 556 and Vaznev-9K in DMZ.

Extracting successfully with weapons in DMZ unlocks the gun automatically. This cuts down the grinding process and allows you to level up the weapon quicker. We recommend players use this method to unlock weapons easily and then use these guns in Warzone 2 to level them up.

Wondering how to get new blueprints from DMZ? Check out How to get the ‘Steel Ghost’ X13 Auto Blueprint in DMZ on Pro Game Guides.