The Love in the Air event runs from Feb. 11, 2022 to Feb. 25, 2022 and is open to all of Stellis City’s budding attorneys. In this event, you can complete various event tasks to get limited currencies that can be used toward obtaining MR cards of your favorite male leads.
The event tasks can be accessed from the Event tab of the Task menu. One of the daily event tasks you’ll encounter requires you to use 30 Luke, Marius, Artem, or Vyn cards in debates.
Since each deck can only hold a total of 15 cards, the task can be spread out across multiple debates. It counts every card of a particular male lead that you use for each debate—not each unique card.
For instance, if you use Marius’ Dream of Thebes card, it will count as one out of the 30 required uses. If you use it again in another debate, it will also count as another one out of the 30 required uses.
You can easily create a deck featuring one of the male leads by filtering for Luke, Marius, Artem, or Vyn in the Auto Build menu before entering a debate. However, your deck doesn’t have to feature only one male lead for your relevant cards to count toward the task.
Check out our guide on How much does it cost to get all MR cards in the Tears of Themis Love in the Air event? to help you farm for the new event cards.