Ghostbusters: Spirits Unleashed gives Ghostbusters the tools to catch Ghosts, but they are carefully balanced to make you decide how best to use them. While switched to your P.K.E. monitor, you can read it to help guide you the Ghost or one of their Rifts. It’s not just for finding things, though, as the monitor has some offensive capability as well. Here’s how to use the P.K.E. Blast in Ghostbusters Spirits Unleashed.
What does a PKE Blast do in Ghostbusters: Spirits Unleashed
With your P.K.E. Monitor out, you should be able to see on the right side of your screen a button and the label P.K.E. Blast next to it. If you hold the button indicated, the monitors arms will bend upwards into almost a “U” shape, indicating that the blast is charging. After a second or two, the P.K.E. Blast will release.
If you are standing in range, this blast can force a Ghost to unpossess an object, stun them, destroy their minions, or reveal and damage a Rift. It’s actually quite powerful, but it comes at a cost. Once a blast is used, your P.K.E. meter will need to go through a reboot cycle, and you will be unable to detect anything for a minute or so.
Looking for more help in Ghostbusters: Spirits Unleashed? Check out What are Fungi for in Ghostbusters: Spirits Unleashed and How to change your Ghost in Ghostbusters: Spirits Unleashed here at Pro Game Guides.